Using Rest APIs

Q Blocks offers a detailed swagger documentation for launching and managing GPU instances via our Rest APIs.

To get started, you'd need 2 information pieces:

Q Blocks Client ID:

Your Q Blocks client ID is a unique string that helps us identify your account when you send API requests.

Access your Q Blocks client_id here.

Authentication Token:

A bearer auth token is required in header of each API request sent by you as that'd help us authenticate your requests.

Generate an authentication token here.

  1. Click on "Create new Auth Token" button.

  2. Select the permissions you'd like to add to your auth token.

  3. Click "Generate Auth Token" button.

Store the newly generated auth token somewhere safe.

After you have successfully generated an auth token and copied your client_id, you are all set to send requests to our Rest APIs for launching and managing GPU instances.

Please refer to below links for performing different actions:

With these APIs, you are all set to access scalable GPU infrastructure on Q Blocks at upto 60% low cost for your AI/ML workloads.

Technical support:

For any query or issues in getting started, reach us out at for quick resolution.

Last updated